In this blog, I share how to build stronger hamstrings for better pelvis stability. When your pelvis stabilizes better, your posture holds itself so much more easily without putting strains on the rest of your body.
Train those hammies, because they matter.
Your hamstrings (the ones that connect your butt to your knees) are an essential muscle group for stabilizing your pelvis and helping you move forward efficiently and effortlessly.
So many ankles, knees, and lower back issues could associate with a lack of mobility and stability in your pelvis.
So many don’t move or walk as effortlessly as they can because they don’t recruit their hamstrings enough. Hamstring strengthening exercises can improve overall leg strength, relieve lower back pain, and increase flexibility.
In this video below, I share three of my favourite hamstring strengthening drills that support you in not only building muscles but also supporting your overall posture.
Start doing each exercise for five reps while you soft inhale and long exhale at least two times/week and slowly add more reps. This alone, helps you massively to build stronger hamstrings for better pelvis stability.
And if you need extra support, feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions, or check out my online studio.
Be mov〰ful,