Walking is one of the most underrated exercises you can do for better health and quality of life

Nowadays, we are too busy catching up with the newest and coolest exercise trends that we forget the value of going back to basics, aka basic human movements. Walking is one of them. 


When I start working with 1:1 clients, one of the first things I ask them to do is to add regular 30-minute zone 2 walks to their routine.


What is zone 2 cardio?


It tends to be the lowest zone used for training; imagine going on a walk while you can still hold a conversation. Your goal is to maintain 60-70% of your maximum heart rate for 30+ minutes.


Watch this video for deeper guidance on starting your zone 2 training. ↓

I like using MapMyWalk app, since allows me to time and track my steps very easily.

When you start your zone 2 cardio training and feel you are making progress, incorporate the suggestions below to get even more out of it ↓

Tip 1/

Get your legs and core fired up before going on your walk

Tip 2/

An arm swing is a natural motion followed by the movement of the opposite leg. Practicing this loosens your upper limbs, increases your rotational capacity and improves your overall balance. 

Tip 3/

If you’ve been in my space, you know I’m obsessed with optimizing our breathing. As humans, we breathe 20000 reps a day, so why not take advantage of the reps already done? 

Thanks for reading this far. These techniques improve not only your walk but also your overall posture and well-being.


So excited for you to implement them and report back on your progress. . Feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions, or check out my online studio. 


Be mov〰ful,



PS. Here is your extra resource to learn more about breathing techniques and postural restoration.

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