Agility Code Private Training helps you move beyond limitations and build unshakable strength for life.

It helps minimize injuries and chronic pain while building strength that you never knew possible through strength training, postural restoration, joint mobility, nervous system regulation and a dash of mindfulness.

If you’ve been active all your life and tried so many different fitness classes and maybe worked with other coaches and personal trainers, know that you are in for a treat. Keep an open mind and let your mind be blown by what your body is capable of.


If you are new to moving your body, welcome to this work. Your body will love you for it, and your body’s magical powers will blow your mind too.

Nothing is overlooked in this work; you don’t need to ignore that pinching feeling, that achy sensation, or pushing through movements even when they don’t feel good.

Your next transformation doesn’t live in the next intense diet, another weight loss tea endorsed by a celebrity, the next 8-week bodybuilding program, the next topical pain killer, another quick fix chiro appointment.

And it certainly doesn't live in another torturous short-term goal.

It lives in knowing your body!

private training

I understand how challenging it can be to work your way through limitations as someone who dealt with multiple injuries myself; I praise you for wanting to take the first step into your healing journey.

You deserve to feel at peace with your body. Learning to connect to your body is a gateway to moving beyond pain and injury and experience your life in the fullest way possible.

private training

Over the past decade, I’ve been working closely with people from all walks of life with various complications and perceived limitations. I say “perceived” because our bodies have magical healing powers, but our minds tell us otherwise.

In this work:

→ You’ll be challenged both physically and mentally, but only when it serves your ultimate good. The way you move your body MUST enhance your life, make you more resilient to stress, and improve your movement capabilities.

→ Education is more important than anything; you can adapt and learn only when you fully understand the why. You will know precisely the reason behind what you are doing; there is no single movement taught without a clear intention.

→ You get to know your body beyond activating the right muscles, beyond getting your butt kicked, and beyond sweating your ass off.

→ You will explore your movement patterns, habitual behaviors, relationship with your breath, mobility and flexibility, limitations and strengths, and nervous system programming.

→ You understand your body’s story deeply, and you develop new ways of connecting and understanding your body.

→ You’ll learn the way you move your body is not limited to how you look on the outside; it’s about how functional you are in your day-to-day life.