Unfinished Design

unfinished design for life

When I was in urban design school in 2015, a professor once told me, “never fully finish your design project; always leave room for the creative process to emerge on its terms.” (unfinished design)


I never knew his word could land with me so profoundly years later in the context of life.


We go around trying to find the one thing, the one career path, the one love for life, the one passion for life, the one way of moving, the one way of living, the one identified approach that fits us into one way of being for the rest of our life, big commitment, right?


And then we wonder why we feel so numb about all the one things we once yearned for. We imprison ourselves in one identity that once worked for us, but we neglect that life is an ongoing collection of so many life/death/life passages. And each passage may require the death of a part of us for the next life to rise, and the ashes remind us of who we no longer identify with


But the question is, which one are you committed to more?

1/  a perfectly crafted completed design with no life to live


2/  an unfinished design that leaves room for life to emerge and takes your breath away


Let me know you answer,


Be mov〰ful,


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