Ditch quick fixes

Ditch quick fixes, PLEASE!

Ditch quick fixes, PLEASE!


There is no quick fix or perfect answer. There is no one explanation for your shoulder or lower back pain; get yourself assessed by a professional first.


In my work with clients, I find it’s never one thing that needs attention; it’s an accumulation of changes that leads to moving beyond pain, unique to you and your body’s story.


Some may believe that if you have lower back pain, you can resolve it by strengthening your back and core. Listen closely if you’ve done that and the pain is still there, or it got worse. ⁠In the lower back example, the pain could have resulted from life stressors, lack of mobility in your spine and hips, pelvis instability, lack of core strength and lazy feet, etc. 


Instead of only focusing on strengthening the area that hurts, I encourage you to look deeper and broader. The deeper could be to increase neuromuscular control in the joints rather than only building muscles. The Broader could be to look at other parts of the body or other factors that may contribute to pain rather than laser focusing on the painful area. ⁠Or look at your lifestyle i.e. sleep, nutrition, etc.

Adopting this mindset (looking deeper and broader) not only serves you in movement, but it can also help with the challenges of the day to day life. ⁠


When is it in your journey you need to broaden and/or deepen your lens? Need professional help, book a consultation call here.


Be Mov〰ful,


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