The interconnection between jaw posture and pelvis posture

This is a feature image of posture transfromation

Your posture goes deeper than whether you have rounded shoulders or not!

Your posture is how you move against gravity from your toes up to the top of your head.

This photo below reveals my postural transformation journey.

This image present postural transformation before and after

While you see the clear transformation in my overall alignment in the top photo, let’s zoom in to see what has changed in my jaw below.

This photo illustrates my jaw posture transformation

This shows how by improving pelvis posture you can completely transform your facial structure and your jaw positioning.


After my car accident, jaw tension, upper back pain and neck issues were part of my everyday life. Until I came across postural restoration, and for the first time I found answers to my questions about what I was experiencing.


Trauma, stress and lifestyle can impact your posture massively. And mine was definitely impacted by the car accident and concussion.


You may ask what helped, the short answer is DEEP WORK!

Long answer:





    • Increasing my spatial awareness and joint health


The improvement of my pelvis and jaw translated into less tension in my neck and upper back, resulting in feeling calmer, more balanced, and my anxiety was close to none. What’s your posture health like?  


Ready to take your posture to the next level? You can work with me in a private or group capacity. And feel free to contact me if you have any questions here.


Be Mov〰ful,


Client success story

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